2919 Huffine Mill Rd, Gibsonville, NC 27249
Sunday School...........10:00a.m.
Sunday Morning.........11:00a.m
Sunday Evening...........6:00p.m.
Wednesday Evening.....6:00p.m.
June 2, 2024
Homecoming Sunday
Special Singing

Church Homecomings usually reflect the Homecoming we as believers will have in Heaven when we see Jesus and all of our loved ones who have gone before us. Well, our Homecoming on June 2, 2024 was one of the best Homecomings we have ever had in our church. The singing and preaching definitely cause us at Crusade Baptist Church to think of that day when Christ comes and takes us home to be with Him.
We were special blessed by the Brown and Ramey family who came to minister to our church in the many hymns that they sung. We want to thank Nathan and Melissa Brown, and their daughters, Katelyn, Allyson, and Jenna. Katelyn is married to Chase Ramey who also came to play the bass. We also was blessed to Have Michelle Scott to come and sing in the video you see above with Cheryl Martin, the pastor's wife, along with Abby Wetherington.
Abby Witherington is married to Josh Wetherington, our music director, who also participated in the special singing in our Homecoming service.
We encourage you to listen to the many hymns we have on this page, and trust they will lift up your heart to think of our Savior just as they did for our church family and the many visitors who came to visit us.